prevailing wind 【氣象學】盛行風。
【氣象學】盛行風。 “prevailing“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.盛行的,流行的;當時的,目前的;一般的,普 ...“wind“ 中文翻譯: wind3 vt. (wound , win ...“wind, prevailing“ 中文翻譯: 盛行風“prevailing wind direction“ 中文翻譯: 盛行風向; 主風向“prevailing“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.盛行的,流行的;當時的,目前的;一般的,普通的。 2.占優勢的,主要的,有效的,顯著的,有勢力的,有力的。 the prevailing fashions 流行的式樣。 a prevailing opinion 普遍的意見。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “the prevailing“ 中文翻譯: 溫暖濕潤的“practices prevailing“ 中文翻譯: 習慣做法“prevailing circumstances“ 中文翻譯: 當時環境“prevailing climax“ 中文翻譯: 現存演替頂極群落“prevailing condition“ 中文翻譯: 當時條件“prevailing current“ 中文翻譯: 海盛行流; 盛行流“prevailing disease“ 中文翻譯: 流行病“prevailing doctrine“ 中文翻譯: 優勢法則;流行學說“prevailing form“ 中文翻譯: 主形“prevailing formation“ 中文翻譯: 主要巖層“prevailing opinion“ 中文翻譯: 占優勢的意見, 最普通的意見“prevailing party“ 中文翻譯: 勝訴一方“prevailing price“ 中文翻譯: 當前成交的價格; 當時價格; 普遍價格; 市場主導價格; 通行價格; 現價; 現行價格“prevailing prices“ 中文翻譯: 現行價格“prevailing rate“ 中文翻譯: 市價; 通行匯率; 現行匯率“prevailing rates“ 中文翻譯: 現行匯率“prevailing situation“ 中文翻譯: 當前局勢“prevailing species“ 中文翻譯: 優勢種“prevailing stem“ 中文翻譯: 支配木“prevailing system“ 中文翻譯: 現行系統
prevalence |
Dr lam said , “ the decommissioning of the last tropical cyclone signal station at the end of 2001 symbolized the end of the era of simple signals . “ dr lam remarked that warning signals alone were insufficient to decide on the most appropriate precautionary measures . he urged the public to take note of the prevailing wind conditions in different regions and the latest information on tropical cyclones issued by the hko before deciding on what actions to take 林鴻?說: 2001年底天文臺關閉了香港最后一個熱帶氣旋信號站,象徵簡單信息時代的結束。林鴻?表示單憑警告信號不足以決定最適當的預防措施,他呼吁市民應要注意各區的實際風力情況,及天文臺發布有關熱帶氣旋的最新消息,然后才決定采取最適當的措施。 |
By synthesis and reanalysis of recent research results on dry and wet deposition of nutrient elements in the southern yellow sea and the east china sea , the results suggest that the concentrations of nutrient elements in aerosol and precipitation show an apparent seasonal cycle with the maximum values in winter and the minimum values in summer , which is close related with the seasonal variations in prevailing winds and precipitation 通過對南黃海及東海海域營養鹽大氣入海通量的研究結果的綜合與再分析,說明黃海及東海海域營養鹽氣溶膠濃度和降水中的離子濃度都有較明顯的季節變化,基本上冬季最大,而夏季最小。這與該區盛行風系和降水量的季節變化有關。 |
August 24 , 1999 in response to media enquiries about prevailing wind conditions at hong kong international airport on sunday , august 22 , a government spokesman said today ( tuesday ) it was important to make a distinction between cross - winds and windshear 就傳媒查詢香港國際機場在上星期日(八月二十二日)之風勢情況,政府發言人今日(星期二)回應,指最重要是區分側風及風切變的分別。 |
The prevailing winds were southwesterlies then , as can be seen over western lantau . however , the winds abruptly changed to northeasterlies over eastern lantau . these were gusts arising from the heavy downpour shown in the radar image 從大嶼山西部的風場可見,當時的盛行風為西南風,但大嶼山東部卻突然轉吹東北風,這是由傾盆大雨見雷達圖像帶來的陣風所引致。 |
The few exceptions were due to various operational reasons including prevailing wind conditions , maintenance and flight calibration of navigational aids , or air traffic conflict . 該等運作上的理由包括當時的風速風向、導航系統測試前的維修保養及測試,或航空交通有沖突等。 |
Influenced by the gulf stream and with the prevailing winds predominantly from the south - west , the climate is equable and temperatures are fairly uniform over the whole country 受墨西哥灣流的影響,加上來自大西洋的西南風,愛爾蘭的氣候四季變化不大,全國各地的氣溫相對均衡。 |
Winds are often stronger over offshore waters and on high ground . winds are less strong in areas sheltered from the prevailing wind direction 一般來說,離岸海域及高地風力較市區為強,由于風向關系而受地形掩蔽的地區風力較其他地區為弱。 |
This significantly increased the utilization of runway 13 under adverse weather conditions particularly during long periods of easterly prevailing winds 在天氣惡劣的情況下,特別是在長期吹東風時,這個系統大大提高了13跑道的使用量。 |
Its coastal features are the result of the interaction between prevailing wind , tidal actions and parent rock 地貌方面,海岸保護區內有受風浪沖擊的石岸,是本港東南面海角和陸岬常見的地形。 |
The direction of local wind may be different from the prevailing wind because of such effects as terrain and temperature differences 個別地方受地形及溫度差別等影響,可以有不同的風向。 |
In terms of wind , it tends to get windier for an east - facing apartment because the prevailing wind in hong kong is from the east 以風來說,因為香港的盛行風是東風,向東的方向較為當風。 |
Monthly prevailing wind direction and mean wind speed recorded at the observatory and waglan island between 1961 - 1990 表7 . 1961 - 1990年在天文臺及橫瀾島觀測之盛行風向及平均風速 |
Monthly prevailing wind direction and mean wind speed recorded at the observatory and waglan island between 1971 - 2000 表7 . 1971 - 2000年在天文臺及橫瀾島觀測之盛行風向及平均風速 |
Turn into the prevailing wind direction and continue straight and level for no less than ten ( 10 ) meters 將機頭轉至迎風面,并且繼續水平直線前進至少10公尺的距離。 |
The prevailing wind direction is the wind direction most frequently observed during the period 盛行風向是觀測期內出現次數最多的風向。 |
The forecast wind is the prevailing wind in well exposed places over a relatively large area 天氣預報所預測的是較大范圍空曠地方的風。 |
Vortex street appearing downwind of cheju island under wintry prevailing winds 冬季盛行風下,濟州島下游出現的渦旋列。 |
The prevailing wind here is from the south - west 這里最常刮的風是西南風 |
Escaping in the same direction of the prevailing wind C .你有可逃生的路徑。 |